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This game is great but it would be awesome if there was more ways to arm other players, like launching them with a punch or picking up and throwing explosive blocks at them

This was fun. The visuals, while simple, worked really well for what was going on. Neon against black is always a nice choice. The music was pretty good as well, though the menu was louder than in-game for some reason. A fine way to pass time alone or with others in competition.  Good job with this overall.

Keep up the good work and have a video.

will it end


You know what would make this game even more awesome, if it pulsed to your music or blocks dropped to the music you were playing

i cant play :( for some reason when it opens it just shows a bunch of text and nothing happens i even pressed every button and still nothing happened please help (i'm on a mac)

Same here except im windows

(2 edits)

image of the error:

yep exact same error...

it's probably because it's trying to download a text file from an internet address that doesn't exist.

if you disconnect your wifi/ethernet before starting the game it works.

yep exactly, it's work fine without internet, thank you!

it's probably because it's trying to download a text file from an internet address that doesn't exist.

if you disconnect your wifi/ethernet before starting the game it works.

it's probably because it's trying to download a text file from an internet address that doesn't exist.

if you disconnect your wifi/ethernet before starting the game it works.

Deleted post

Awesome demo, love the entire idea. Looks like it implies multiplayer? If so, that would make a big difference to the play. I suggest that if you do have multiplayer make sure you have features where multiple people are required. Nonetheless, this was extremely enjoyable and I would love to see this expanded!

the game looks nice but when I launch it from the itch app on OS X I get stuck on a black screen with some kind of error text.

I gave Bit Pit a quick playthrough on my weekly series Games and CHiLL. The game is so simple and so much fun! I want to give it another quick playthrough with my girlfriend who's not much of a gamer but would likely love games like this.

THE STORY IS SO SAD! Great game though! Loved playing it

What the hell is that flute music ? XD

I think i found an Easter Egg.

That's cool :D

Hello! I wonder - how to contact developer by email? :)


Hi score is now 6432.


New hi score 4683. Here is some evidence.


Hey Logy Bit, whats your hi-score?


My high score is 1998. When I saw my high score, the game said "WTF how?!"

(1 edit) (-1)

Just got a new one, 3143. For photographic evidence check out the link.

Help! this game does not seem to be working on OSX (the screen just goes black). Is there a fix for this? (this game looks super cool and i can't wait to try it out)

works now high score is 1495!

I keep having a problem when I launch the game. A black screen appears and then disappears really quick and the game crashes. I ran the game in the terminal, and after the black screen part, the terminal shows "segmentation fault, core dumped" I've been looking around, but cant find anything helpful.

Try to run the game in the terminal with the "-force-opengl" parameter.

What is the title of main menu music? And how can i get it? ("_>")
Didn't found it on Daniel Gooding's site

Hey, our mistake there, sorry. The intro song is "Technopop 7b" by TeknoAXE.

ty very much! the ingame track is re-mixed nonetheless

I did a review of your game, and I have to say I love it. You can see the review here. I'm proud of your work. :)

Have you had an inspiration of a sinister version of tetris to this game called Bit pit it?

On Debian (x64) I'm having issues with libraries, any way to fix it?

As your system is 64-bit, but the game build is 32-bit, you should install 32-bit versions of required libraries via the system's package manager.

Will you ever put a story mode that you can finish into the game?
Will you ever put a story mode that you can finish into the game?

Logy Bit, will this game stay free but im scared i will have to pay for it if it get's on steam D:


Hey Alex. Even if we make a Steam version, this version on will always be free :)

thanks,BTW, i just got my hands on a DDR SN2 cabinet a few days ago, im really liking it, also, on the summer sale if bit pit get's on steam, ill ask one of my steam friends to gift it to me if they don't fell like getting it for theirselves thanks Cr1t1kal,-Alex

Any luck getting this game on mobile? Been fiending to play this since it was announced.

Honestly can't promise anything, but we are considering it.

Hello! Cr1tikal brought me here, I really don't know much about speaking english, so, sorry about that, I just wanted to know, how do a play with my sister? I want to play with her, but I don't know how, I don't have gamepads, or something like that, is it possible to play with the same keyboard? By the way, sorry for not donating, I don't have any money, but I like the game

Hey! Currently you can only play multiplayer with your friend if you have at least one gamepad, sorry.

Oh, okay, thanks for responding!

(2 edits)

Thank you for giving me something quick to play as a break in between studying!
P.S.: The lack of balancing does show quite a bit.

You could pretend it's really a meticulously balanced system designed to frustrate you and keep you from slacking off :)

On Linux Mint with Nvidia 980ti, I seem to be getting weird graphical flashing? Anyone else seen that?

First of all, your graphics card makes us jelly. Secondly, we haven't encountered any flashing on any platform ourselves, so I'm afraid we can't point you in a direction. Sorry :/

My graphics card is probably smarter than me :P

Is there any way I can help you track it down?

Unless this is what happened, probably not. Considering the game works fine on Mac & Windows our guess is that it's not the game's code that's the problem, but some underlying Unity BS, like usual. Still, sorry about this.

(1 edit)

I've the same issue on Arch Linux.

Had the same issue you had. Pressing 9 a couple of times solved it for me.

I liked the unity comment on the score screen :3

I can't launch the game on my computer :(

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 (x64) computer.

Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately we don't know why that would be, as Unity's Linux export is pretty much targeted towards Ubuntu.

hmmm... yes. If you are using Unity it's tough to fix problems like that :/

I have this problem with other unity games too :(

Try to run the game in the terminal with the "-force-opengl" parameter.

Since I need to use a Windows computer for my study, I decided to uninstall Linux on my computer.

Anyhow, thanks for the reply. :)

i love the challenge! Great game :)

Glad the game is getting better and harder with the updates :) I'm also shocked by your scores people. I hardly pass 450 and you're all bragging about 2k-3k. Not cool!

10/10 game! Looks SEXY AS HELL and very addicting. Would love to see this get greenlit on Steam. And props to you guys for the name your price option. When I get some money you can expect a big donation from me!

So much fun, would definitely buy a full featured game. also sound is not working over hdmi so might wanna fix that


Good show! I would be willing to pay a good amount for this game! (if I wasn't broke)


Love it. Please develop the idea further.

Absolutely love the game, been playing it for an hour or 2 every day and I finally feel like I can brag about my score.

funny how he couldn't have noticed a murderer's face, or since he's a murderer, the blood on his hands or on the ground, although that would've been from him. Maybe there's a knife? Seriously though, he didn't recognize the face of a murderer?

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